
吳偉劭 助理教授

 財務金融系 - 吳偉劭 老師 




電子郵件: mail devin4098@ntub.edu.tw


  • 國立政治大學財務管理學系博士
  • 國立政治大學經濟學系碩士
  • 逢甲大學財稅學系學士


  • 電子科技大學經濟與管理學院,專任副教授
  • 中原大學財務金融學系,專任助理教授
  • 閩江學院新華都商學院,專任副教授
  • 彰化銀行台北分行辦事員


  • 銀行借貸、公司理財、市場微結構


  • 貨幣銀行、公司治理


  • Chen*, C.-J., Chu, Y.-C., Wu, W.-S., and Chu, C.-P., 2023. The Impact of the Internal Capital Market of Business-Group Affiliation on the Dynamic Capital-Structure Adjustment Speed: Evidence from Taiwan. Taiwan Accounting Review (中華會計學刋), forthcoming.
  • Wu, W.-S., Fok, Robert C.W., Chang*, Y.-C., and Chen, C.-J., 2022. Credit Default Swaps and Corporate Performance Smoothing. Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 75: 102238. (SSCI, 科技部A tier 1)
  • Hsieh, W.-L., Wu*, W.-S., and Tu, A.H., 2022. Religiosity and Sovereign Credit Quality. Journal of Empirical Finance, vol. 68, 84-103. (SSCI, 科技部A tier 1)
  • Wu*, W.-S. and Suardi, S., 2021. Economic Uncertainty and Bank Lending. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 53, 2037-2069. (SSCI, 科技部A tier 1)
  • Wu, W.-S., Liu, W.-C., Suardi, S., and Chang*, Y.-C., 2019. Tiered Information Disclosure: An Empirical Analysis of the Advance Peek into the Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment. Financial Review, vol. 54, 541-582. (科技部A tier 2)
  • Tu, A.H., Hsieh, W.-L., and Wu*, W.-S., 2016. Market Uncertainty, Expected Volatility and the Mispricing of S&P 500 Index Futures. Journal of Empirical Finance, vol. 35, 78-98. (SSCI, 科技部A tier 1)
  • Wu, W.-S., Liu*, Y.-J., Lee, Y.-T., and Fok, R. C. W., 2014. Hedging Costs, Liquidity, and Inventory Management: The Evidence from Option Market Makers. Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 18, 25-48. (SSCI, 科技部A tier 1)
  • Wu, W.-S., Chang, H.-H., Suardi, S., and Chang*, Y.-C., 2013. The Cascade Effect on Lending Conditions: Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, vol. 40, 1247-1275. (SSCI, 科技部A tier 1)


  • 105科技部專題研究計畫:「放款債權次級市場之研究-資產價格、市場品質與訊息效率:來自信用違約交換的影響」,計畫主持人。
  • 104學年度科技部專題研究計畫:「高頻交易對市場效率性的影響:跨市場觀點」,計畫主持人。
  • 103科技部專題研究計畫:「信用違約交換對聯貸案形成過程及交易結構的影響」,計畫主持人。

